Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Justice is our aim

There is a cry coming from the land,
Once again louder and louder, set my people free!
O where is Moses for today
Where are leaders and who will stand?

I hear the drum beat once again
softly beating out the heart song
O where is Moses for today
Where are the leaders and who will stand

And in this moment I rise to see
In another instant more than a melody
Moses I see, leaders all, we will be free
Leaders now take their place, a joyful band

The cry of the eagle and higher it soars
America, it is your turn to take your stand
Indian hearts still burn; who will join the throng?
Movements rise and movements slip away, looking for a better day

More than one man can say
We need the heart of Moses alive in us today
We are called to walk the longest walk
A Moses company more than just talk

The sleeping giant has awakened once again
The heart of Moses is calling us to lead
Justice cries and love demands
Set our people free in the Native Land

Twenty stepping stones before us lay
So sing your songs, and dance your dance
Your hour has come the warriors stance

Friday, October 25, 2013

The fog is our ancestor coming to visit

It was my privilege to attend a Warrior Circle of Native American men. One of the group, who is part Sheshone and a story teller; was telling us that when the fog roles in, it is our ancestors coming to visit.

This week the fog has been unusually thick over this region. So thick it has not lifted all day in many places. After reflecting on the story of the fog and what it means to many Native people, it occurred to me. “We are surrounded by a Great Cloud of witnesses”. The revelation was so strong it overwhelmed my senses.

We have heard many prophetic words spoken over this region and isn’t it true that God often sends confirmation in the natural? First was His voice declaring, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am will pleased”. And then came the Dove. Likewise my view of the fog changed as I now feel the confirming sense that just as the fog surrounds us, so too we are surrounded by a Great Cloud of witnesses. This is the fact of The Creator’s word being confirmed through nature.

What has been spoken into the atmosphere regarding The Creator’s love and intentions for this region are not whimsical, or wishful thinking of a few well intended individuals. The same one who said, “Let there be light”. Is the same one today who says, “Cascadia, Puget Sound, Northwest, Be Healed, I am gathering you under the shelter of My wings, as a hen gathers her chicks. In Me is the safety, salvation, justice and freedom I will give you”.

When our Native brothers and sister encountered the Creator in their day to day lives, they used the only frame of reference they had to put into words what they experienced. What came first the story of the ancestors coming in the fog or the revelation they were surround by a great cloud of witnesses? They lived Bible truth before the Book of Heaven was ever presented to them. This is why many First Nation people accepted the teachings of Bible readily because they were already living its truths. It was only when religion came to destroy their open hearts that they turned away from the message. Just as throughout history their have been the Pharaoh, Herods, and Hitlers who wanted to destroy an entire race so to the trickster, the enemy of our souls that old serpent has worked to destroy God’s people of Turtle Island.

Thankfully we are being given new ears and new eyes to hear, see and learn. This is what The Creator wanted our First Nation brothers and sisters to teach. He wanted them to teach us about His ways and their walk with Him. This is what was in His heart five hundred years ago.

We look and welcome the fog, it is our ancestors surrounding us.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Urgent Call to Action - Restore Celilo Falls - Oregon

We often hear, "What can we do to make a difference in the lives of Native Americans"? We have heard it said, "How do we put feet to our faith and love". This is a critical hour as decisions are being discussed regarding the restoration of Celilio Falls.  For more information on why this is important please see previous posts and please use a search engine to find out more information. In 1957 an entire way of life was extinguished in a matter of a few hours.

Here is a comment we left at the link provided to the Bonneville Power Administration. 

"As a concerned non-native citizen, I want to raise my voice in support of the Celilo Falls restoration. My wife and I have wept for all the pain and loss the Dam at The Dalles inflicted on the Native people of the Northwest. If someone was to come and destroy Wall St. in the name of progress and remove that institution it would be devastating. Flooding the falls took away, a culture, a way of life and an identity. The greatest moral gift we as a people could ever give is the restoration of the Celilo Falls. The healing of heart and soul would be far reaching not just for the Northwest Native people, but the message would resonate throughout all of North America. Please Restore the Falls. With respect, Danny and Cheryl Dean".

Here is the link for public comments on the Columbia River Treaty Review. It is ridiculous that so few members of the public and NO ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS have submitted comments. So what are you waiting for? Here is the link. Go for it! Free Celilo Falls!
Here is a link to add your voice in support of restoring the Falls.

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Chief of all Chiefs

We want to invite our Blog friends to take a look at this site. It is being promoted by one of our favorite Native music groups, "Rain Song"


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kingdom of God News and Weather Report

Good morning Kingdom of God citizens – This is Kingdom of God News - KGN
Here is today’s weather forecast and kingdom news:
Weather Report: Today is calling for bright Sonshine followed this afternoon By heavy showers of blessing.
The temperature: Today will be filled with warmth as The Creator makes His face shine upon us and It will be a perfect day for planting seeds of righteousness and good works.
The air quality report: today will be completely pure with a slight aroma of Frankincense and Myrrh
Local News: It has been reported that loving-kindness is new this morning and everyone is invited to come and buy without any cost. Yes indeed folks it is free so please enjoy.
The community calendar: The heavenly host will be singing the Hallelujah Chorus followed by, "How Great Thou Art". This will be a sing a long so everyone is invited to join in.
On the war front: Great shouts of joy have been heard as the Body of Messiah has experienced great breakthrough and the enemy has been routed. The Weapon of Love was released and it has been reported all fear fled the battlefield. There has been a general declaration of peace and good will to all mankind.
In medical news: Healing, miracles, signs and wonders are happening at such a pace your humble correspondent cannot keep up with all the reports.

In Sports: David 1 and Goliath 0

Well there you have it Kingdom Citizens it will be a great day for righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Signing off and remember, “God is Love so we love.”
KGN – Where it is always, "Good News" - Daniel Israel Dean reporting - Shalom and Ah-Ho