There are a few of us who are on our faces in travail interceding for God to relent in what our apathy, sin, and lies demand. I am not perfect and far from it. I have had to repent for my own stuff and at times it is hurts deeply to face my own shortcomings and how I did not live up to God’s standards. When my children disobeyed, I used to tell them, “Why are you asking me to discipline you?” There is no mystery when we as parents say, “If you do that one more time your going to get disciplined”. Our actions as a nation have stood in God’s face and demanded judgement. Our actions are daring God to do something about our indifference to His standards. In far too many houses called by His Name there are the forms of Godliness but there is also denial of His power. In His house there are dogmas that have imprisoned souls to doctrines invented by the traditions of men. He has set before the foundation of the earth standards of right and wrong. It was always His intent that we learn what those are and chose what is right.
I sometimes felt deep sadness when I found myself having to follow through on my commitment to bring discipline when I had drawn a line in the sand. However there was no question the consequences for willful and continuous disobedience demanded action. My integrity was on the line and and I needed to prove I could be trusted.
We need to review the true history of all that has happened in this land since 1492 and individually repent for the ancestral actions in the past and then as a nation face these facts. We need to make restitution where it is possible and how it is defined by our host brothers and sisters of the Native American nations. It may sound like a tall order, however we can do it. God knows how we can do it and He will reveal it to us if we ask. If we, His people who are called by His Name, will humble ourselves and pray, He will answer and heal our land.
There is an alarm bell sounding as time is running out for us to stop and do something about this truth. What you do and what we will do as a nation will soon determine whether or not we will run out of time.
This is a call to a movement; for reformation which can open the door to the greatest revival the world has ever seen. We just need the key to unlock the vast out-flowing of God’s Grace to heal our land.
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