Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Angel Vision

What follows is a vision I recieved by God's Grace.
There was an incredible tall Angel straddling the Colombia River. This angel was hundreds of feet tall with head bowed down and weeping. The angels tears where flowing into the river and flowing toward the west. Some how I was able to approach the angel and before I could say anything the angel said, “My name is Columbia” The sense was the Angel was weeping due to being alone in the fight for this region and the deep intercession. The response in my heart was one of compassion for the angel’s plight and everything in me wanted to say, “You are not alone, not now. We will join you in the battle”

I saw again the angel standing over the Columbia River, however as I looked I saw the angel split in two and now there were two angels, one standing in Washington and one in Oregon. They lifted up Silver trumpets with white banners hanging down. They began to blow the trumpets. At this point a rushing stream of angels, thousands and thousands began to flow in one solid stream from heaven and passed between the two angels. They were moving at an amazing speed. As they passed between the two angels they began to fan out to the South, the West and the North. Flowing from the East. Next I noticed they were each holding something in their hands. It was clear that it was one single thing cupped in their hands.

They flew to every home, business, car, park, playground, school and hospital to every single human being in this region and took what was in their hands and placed it into the mouth of each and ever-single person. Next one of them flew to me and placed something in my mouth as well.

As I continued stay in the Spirit my attention was drawn again to the two angels blowing trumpets. There continued to be the flow of angels from heaven to earth. Then these two angels split in half and became four angels. Now the last two angels stood back-to-back facing east, with the first two and they began to blow silver trumpets and the angel host began to flow to the east.

What just hit me was: “A port has been opened over your land, the heavens have been opened and this is what you are seeing”

While in prayer at a healing room the Lord showed me that every angel that had carried out the morsel was now standing beside each man, women and child. Although some may vomit up and reject the morsel far more will come alive at the scent of water and thrill to find the bread of heaven to satisfy the hunger and thirst for righteousness. When I had finished sharing this vision with the prayer team, it was my conviction this angel stood near The Dalles Oregon. What is amazing a woman came in and said, “God led me to paint a picture”. When we all turned and looked at the picture we were all stunned and she had no idea why. The picture was of an a huge angel standing over a river.

I posted this vision and then received an email from a man I had only met once or twice. I knew he was a Blackfoot Native, from the Flat Head Reservation in Montana. This Native minister informed me an encampment would take place about ten miles east of The Dalles. I knew I had to attend this week long event.

From Lockley Bremmer:
“You may already know we have planned a summer camp meeting at the Celilo Park about ten miles east of the Dalles. This camp meeting will be right on the river and we are very excited about what God is doing as He has in His sovereignty led us to this site. FYI, the first significant revival among the Native Americans west of the Rockies took place in this area in 1840; it was recorded by Jason Lee the apostle to the Indians that he water baptized over eight hundred Natives. It was reported by Chief White Swan, "that something hot came down from heaven and every one there fell on their faces with tears in their eyes”.

I was told that what was seen was a fiery stream coming down out of heaven. There were many chief sitting stoically watching the events unfold. When this stream of fire came down they fell on their faces weeping.

I was compelled by the Holy Spirit to attend this meeting. The worship led by a Klamath Native worship team was extraordinary. There were more visual, tangible confirmations through nature than I have ever experienced. God confirmed His Word and the joy in His heart as we Europeans worshiped side by side with our Native Brothers and Sisters. This is the experience is what put me on the Sacred Red Road.

As I am driving around town; now every person I see, I realize an angel of revival standing beside them ready to help usher them into the kingdom of God. They are hungry, we have the food, They are thirsty, we have the water. Matt. 9:37-38 - Who's harvest is it ?

During worship as we entered into the high praise as we were lost in worship, I saw the angels that are now standing beside every person in this region, they turned to them and put their hands on their chests to stir up the hunger and the thirst for righteousness.  These are revival angels. I was blown away as I realized thousands and thousands of people in this region are being prepared for revival. When you are hungry you will get up and start looking for something to eat. This revival is upon us and moving quickly. Who will feed them? and with what will they be fed? The true bread from heaven? 

This vision is active and still being fulfilled throughout the Cascadia Region. From Alaska to Northern California, from the Pacific Ocean to Montana; this is our inheritance this is the Church of Cascadia.

This Camp out happened in 2011

This picture is before the dam was built at The Dalles in 1957. We are praying the dam will be removed and the Falls revealed again.

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