The Great Father above is a Shepherd Chief. I am His and with Him all I need is provided. He throws out to me a rescue rope named love. He draws me to where the grass is green and the water gives me peace. I eat and lie down and am satisfied. Sometimes my heart is very weak and I fall down, but He lifts me up again and draws me into the good Red Road. His Tribal Name is, “Wonderful.”
Sometimes, He will draw me into the valley where shadows of the death angel dwells. It is dark there, but I am not afraid, for it is in between those mountains that the Shepherd Chief will meet me and the hunger that I have in my heart throughout my life, will be satisfied.
Sometimes He makes the love rope into teaching truth I did not know, but afterwards He gives me a staff to lean upon. He spreads a table before me with all kinds of foods while my enemies look on with envy. He puts His hand upon my head and all my fears are gone. The burden bundle of my soul, He fills until it spills over. What I tell you is true. I will not lie. He will always be beside me as I walk The Red Road. He sends two great ones to feed me every day; One is called, “No penalty of wrongs,” and the other is, “All Good things.” He will always be with me through this life and when it is time to cross over; I will go to live in the Great Lodge in the sky above. I will sit down with the Shepherd Chief and be with Him forever.
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