As we watch the world and people of the world there seems to be a shift going on that is so needed. Those people of the dominant culture in America have for the last five hundred and thirty five years been outward looking. The driving force and motivation has been explore, reach out, reach higher and keep pushing for more and more of everything. The problem has been at the expense of inner peace, respect for each other, respect for our elders and disregard for the earth that is our home. The land, the water and other resources were from the beginning placed here for us to steward, honor and be eternally grateful for. The life of all living things depends on water and without clean water nothing can survive. We lift up a song from our hearts and sing of unity between all people, living things, animals, water and the earth. It has become my conviction that the organized church should humbly bow before the Creator and ask for forgiveness and partner with our Native brothers and sisters in turning around this culture of greed. Let true disciples display humility and reach across all the walls that have divided us. Be the examples of lives lived in reconciliation of heart and attitude.
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