Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Update from Yakima

It is hard to believe a year has past since I stopped to write here.
Today I want to stop and remember a true hero who had his life taken from him today.

On this day in 1890 the great leader, holy man, and Chief of his tribe, of the Hunkpapa Sioux was assassinated.

We remember and rever his great man. Sitting Bull.

Throughout history there have been great mistakes that have cost the lives of innocent ones. Misunderstandings across cultural lines have led to disasters. Another holy man Wavoka received inspired revelations not unlike John the Baptist. As a result of these revelations new hope spread throughout the people. This hope was interpreted as a threat and thus Chief Sitting Bull was caught up in the political confusion of the day. As a result of those people guided by suspicion and fear of what they did not understand, an innocent man lost his life.

We raise our hands to the Creator and give him thanks for the few short years Sitting Bull walked the earth.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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