An order was given by the Director of New Netherlands to rid his territory of Indians. Several bands of tribes we exterminated. Thousands of men, women and children died.
New Netherlands was a 17th-century colonial provence that now include, parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut and some parts of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. The Capital of this venture was located on the tip of a small island called, Manhattan. "Many Hills"
This land was purchased and is built on the blood of the Native People who lived here before the Europeans ever arrived.
What can we do today to respond? Learn what Native people are fighting for today and support them. Agree that justice will prevail and you will do your part to see justice done today for our Native Brothers and Sisters.
Remember the Innocents
Cherish All Life
Another Episode of history not recorded in the colonization of North America, The Trauma and Oppression of the Indigenous People