Monday, October 20, 2014

Listening to Life

Listening to Life

Injustice cries out with the sound of the weeping ones
Justice Lifts her voice loudly to Watanka Tankan
    “Bring justice for all the acts of hate, violence and murder”
Justice is looking for someone to be the voice of The Great Mystery here
Justice is singing His songs and waiting for you.

The spirit of violence that stalked the Great Plains is still alive today
The spirit that ignores compassion and empathy has not slept
The spirit of murder has shape-shifted into a more polite enemy
The spirit that judges by the color of skin still walks about, that Trickster of old

Did you see the rainbow this morning?
Do you hear the sound of the Butterfly wings gently stirring the air?
Do you hear your name being sung by the flowing steams?
Do you hear the Meadow and the Brook whispering His songs?

Today is a new day
Today I will sing my songs
Today I will be the one to say, No more pain, Injustice or hate
Today I will be the one who takes the first step
Today I will offer my protocol gifts

I Hear the winged ones calling
I hear the crawlers and the four footed friends
I hear the swimmers and all my family singing
I hear Watanka Tankan’s voice, “I am here”

Close your eyes and smell the aroma of;
    The Sweet Grass,
        The Cedar,
            The Sage,
                The Tobacco and consider your ways.



The journey of life can take you down many new paths as the proverb goes, "When you see a new trail or footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing"**

Over the last few months so many changes.

We said, "See you later" to our dear friend and brother, Billy; Black Foot Warrior.

We moved 170 miles from our previous home. Now we begin a new life just as the Creator intended all along. We embrace life with all our hearts and boldly continue the adventure.

We are walking the Sacred Red Road wherever it may lead us. But this we know it leads us to much happiness and wisdom.

Mitakuye Oyasin

**Thanks to Terri Jean - 365 Days of Walking the Red Road - September 14th

Monday, August 18, 2014

We honor the Wanapum, Vantage Washington

This weekend was nothing less than epic. We honored the indigenous people of Vantage Washington, The Wanapum, The River People. Four members of the tribe were honored with protocol Gifts and were blessed. A request was made to grant us permission to be here on the land for today's ceremonies. The Chief of the Wanapum gave an eloquent speech gave his permission and blessing. And then we were honored as three gentleman sang Wanapum honor songs. There has been a sense of awe every sense we arrived here in Vantage. There is a sense of history, destiny and hope in the air. As our Blackfeet leader said today, "there is a solemn feel about all that is taking place," as he led us in a healing of the land ceremony. Tonight we ate Buffalo and Salmon for dinner to celebrate Native and Non-Native unity. Very grateful to our Crow sister and her joyful heart. Our Cree sister's dancing and all who danced as one family tonight. The Clark family blew us away with their music and Danielle's song about Wounded Knee brought us to tears. We lay our heads down tonight with full hearts and joyful memories of all Creator gave us from His heart to ours.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Protect All Children

I am stunned into sadness. How can we request billions of dollars for children who just arrived when we ignore the dying children on our reservations and reserves. These are our children, our sons, our daughters and where are hearts of compassion for Rose Bud, Warm Springs and hundreds others. Our hearts break for all children who disparately cry out for a caring, loving hand. Take care of the children, but let's start with our own home. Our own backyard. We need tears for the Navajo, Lakota, Seminole, Huran, Duwamish, Mi'kmaq, Blackfoot and Apsaalooke and countless others waiting for us to care. We care for the children of South America and we care for the children who have been crying for hundreds of years in North America. All will be well when we come as one family to protect all of our children. We are all fathers and mothers and these are our children.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

We stop today to remember Chief Seattle - siʔaːƛ̓ (Se al) crossed over June 7, 1866. We remember this leader, wise elder and defender of The People. Thank you Chief siʔaːƛ̓ for all you did and we honor you today.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Elder Billy Frank Jr. Passed Over

Statement from Gov. Jay Inslee on the passing of Billy Frank, Jr.
"Washington lost a true legend with the passing of Billy Frank, Jr. today.

"He was a selfless leader who dedicated his life to the long fight for the rights of our state's native people. Billy was a champion of tribal rights, of the salmon, and the environment. He did that even when it meant putting himself in physical danger or facing jail.

"I'm thankful Billy was here to see the 2014 Legislature pass a bill helping to overturn convictions from treaty protests. Billy was right on this issue and the state owed this gesture of justice to him and others who jeopardized their liberty to fight for treaty rights.

"Billy never wavered in his conviction and passion. He stressed to me the spiritual and cultural relationship that indigenous people have with salmon.

"His work is the foundation of an enduring legacy that will never be forgotten in Washington state.

"He once said, 'The Creator put that salmon there for it to survive.' I thank the Creator for putting Billy here to make sure we never forget what he fought for.

"Trudi and I send our condolences to Billy's family, friends, tribal members and everyone across the state and the country who mourns the passing of this great man."

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

365 Days of walking the Red Road

There are many beautiful flowers along the Red Road, They must be watered by our Tears

Today's Excerpt -Remembering America's Holocaust

Today April 30, 1871 - 144 Defenseless Aravaipa Apache Indians were massacred. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Prayer for Reconcilation and Healing of the Land

Our deepest gratitude to Crazy Faith ministries and Oak Ridge Ministry.

We believe this is one more step toward the healing of America


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meet in Olympia Wa for formal apology 4/16 6:00PM

Briefly, Chief Quiemuth (1799-1856), was the half-brother of Chief Leschi. In the historical account, The Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek, word of Leschi's abduction and hastily arranged trial  reached his half-brother and steadfast companion, Quiemoth.  Right after Leschi had been taken, Gov. Stevens sent word  to Quiemuth to "come in, surrender himself, and submit to trial." In this word to Quiemuth, the governor did not explain what charges were against him.  We don't know why, but  he honored the governor's request, and came to the governor's house, in total good faith to surrender to an unknown charge.  While spending that night in the governor's home, some men came in an murdered him.  Even though the murder was in the home of the governor, nothing was ever done to bring his murderers to justice--an unrepentant sin against Washington's First Nations People that, to this day, has ever been acknowledged or reconciled.

In this brief historical context, I'm forwarding this invitation to you and others (as printed):

 You are invited to attend a Ceremony
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

                 Tivoli Fountain
   State Capitol Campus, Olympia, WA
                 to Honor
      Chief Quiemuth (1799-1856)
            of the Nisqually Tribe

Who was murdered in the home of
          Governor Isaac Stevens
            on November 19, 1836

Veda and Sarah Rodriquez, Yakima Nation
Barbara Ingmire, National Area Leader-West, National Day of Prayer
Susan Johnson, National Regional Leader, Governor's :Prayer Team
Katherne Cassady, President, Daniels' Prayer Ministry
Rebecca Murphy, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network
Ben and Denise Charles, Crazy Faith Ministry

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The 4 Directions Native American Cultural Center

It is with great joy that we announce the establishment of The 4 Directions Cultural Center. This non-profit endeavor has been setup in the city of Tacoma, State of Washington.

Our Mission:

The 4 Directions is a non-profit cultural center. The 4 Directions is made up of people who’s goal is to bring the diverse Native American experience and culture to all peoples regardless ethnic origin. With a rich heritage of Native members and a large library of Native American books we have been established to share this heritage through, reading, story telling, Native Crafts, dance, singing and drumming. And to bring honor to all Native peoples and share their knowledge in a creative and welcoming environment that displays respect for the earth, all living beings and honors spirituality. It is our purpose to bring the Native American culture to Native youth, looking to expand their own unique history, culture and traditions. 

It will take a great deal of work and funds.

We are registered with the IRS and with Secretary of State for Washington.

Your tax dedcutable gifts will be greatly appreciated.
You may scroll to the bottom of the page to contribute if you like.
Thank you in advance. (You may also reach out to us at:

Friday, March 21, 2014

Legal Precedent to Take Native Lands

We are hoping that someone will take the challenge to reverse this precedent.
Please read and agree with us that the Creator will give a reversal of this legal standing.

Doctrine of Discovery? What's that?
Papal Bulls of the 15th century gave Christian explorers the right to claim lands they "discovered" and lay claim to those lands for their Christian Monarchs. Any land that was not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered", claimed, and exploited. If the "pagan" inhabitants could be converted, they might be spared. If not, they could be enslaved or killed.
The Discovery Doctrine is a concept of public international law expounded by the United States Supreme Court in a series of decisions, intially in Johnson v. M'Intosh in 1823. The doctrine was Chief Justice John Marshall's explanation of the way in which colonial powers laid claim to newly discovered lands during the Age of Discovery. Under it, title to newly discovered lands lay with the government whose subjects discovered new territory. The doctrine has been primarily used to support decisions invalidating or ignoring aboriginal possession of land in favor of colonial or post-colonial governments.
John Marshall, who is most credited with describing the doctrine, did not voice wholehearted support of the doctrine even while using it to justify judicial decisions. He pointed to the doctrine as simple fact, looking at the possession-takings which had been supported by it as things which had occurred and had to be recognized. The supposedly inferior character of native cultures was a reason for the doctrine having been used, but whether or not that was justified was not relevant for Marshall.
This Doctrine governs United States Indian Law today and has been cited as recently as 2005 in the decision City Of Sherrill V. Oneida Indian Nation Of N.Y.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A must see video

There are many stepping stones to the healing of the world. This video is one of those stones that those who walk in the Jesus Way must cross to find the reformation we are all seeking.

We encourage everyone to sit down and watch this video.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chief of the Crow Nation sends out Proclamation

We will unite our prayers during March 10 - 12 with those of our Crow Brothers and Sisters
Please join in this time before the Creator.

(It is with much gratitude that I was given permission by the Crow Tribe to publish this)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"The Massacre of the Innocents" February 25, 1643

An order was given by the Director of New Netherlands to rid his territory of Indians. Several bands of tribes we exterminated. Thousands of men, women and children died.

New Netherlands was a 17th-century colonial provence that now include,  parts of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut and some parts of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. The Capital of this venture was located on the tip of a small island called, Manhattan. "Many Hills"

This land was purchased and is built on the blood of the Native People who lived here before the Europeans ever arrived.

What can we do today to respond? Learn what Native people are fighting for today and support them. Agree that justice will prevail and you will do your part to see justice done today for our Native Brothers and Sisters.

Remember the Innocents
Cherish All Life 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Crazy Horse Leader and Prophet

This statement by Crazy Horse is far more profound that we may realize at the moment. Not only profound but prophetic. We all need our Native brothers and sister now more than ever. The Creator knew this day would come and He knew together we would stand strong.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Remembering Richard Twiss

We can still hear his voice and we can still see his dreams and vision. Richard's spirit is still speaking to us. We celebrate a life well lived. Richard passed, February 9, 2013.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Recommended Viewing

Many friends are looking for ways to learn of the Native culture and experience.
 I highly recommend certain movies and Smoke Signals is one of them.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Earth will qhake

The Earth will quake when the drum shakes
The Earth will be free when we do it no harm
The Earth will awake; dreams of the past
The Earth will shake when we dance
The Earth will be healed when we break chains around our feet
The Earth will Make a better place when brothers embrace
The Earth at Daybreak brings a new day, here to stay
The Earth is not ours alone it is only our birthplace
The Earth Sings a new song; for your freedom it longs
The Earth will quake when the drum shakes
The Drum wakes at Grand Mother’s Arm

Monday, January 20, 2014

If Martin Luther King Jr. is not the hero of all races and his dreams were not something for us all to strive for; his life would be nothing more than a candle in the wind. If he belongs only to one political point of view we would compromise his dream. However he set the plumb line for all races and if we all reject racism and isolation and lift our eyes to the ideals he set for us; we will all be free indeed, yes free at last, free at last. We will not forget the past injustice but rather than let it be a teacher of bitterness we will work to correct the power of hate that permitted the American holocaust among the Native People of North America. The enemy of our souls, the trickster of old knows if we all stand united regardless of our skin color but with the content our character in love, empathy and compassion the world will truly be a better place. I can only imagine. Thank you Dr. King we will run, walk or crawl to keep moving forward to your dreams reality.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Children Are No More

I went for a walk this morning
It seemed like it would only take a moment
But then I heard the children crying
Is this Sandy Hook and the children who are no more?

As I turned to find another path
There was only one way to go
So softly my steps led me through the snow
Is this Wound Knee and the children who are no more?

Again the pain tore at my heart
Tears falling for innocent ones
Down the dusty trail I walked in Herod’s day
Is this Jerusalem and the children who are no more?

There must be another way
So slowly turning south I began to pray
Is this were Moses would play in Pharaoh’s day
Is this Egypt and the children who are no more?

I crossed the oceans looking to the sky
Where is there hope in such a time as this
Surely we have learned from our past
Is this America and where are the children who are no more?

I began to run to find a place to lay
Crawling up Calvary's hill weeping as if to say
“Creator only you can make a way”
Is this Jesus; The Chosen one in who’s arms all children Stay?

In His arms not one did He forget
Every child around Him now play
Forbid them not is what He did say
Is this Heaven? This is where the children are forever more!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Era of Native Honor and respect

We agree with the Book of Heaven where in the story of our ancestor, "PERSECUTED", (JOB) we read these words: "YOU WILL DECREE A THING AND IT SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR YOU". Based on this authority from the Creator's own Book made flesh through the Chosen One, The Way Maker Jesus; we decree, this is the beginning of the year of Favor, blessing and honor for all Native People. The win of Florida State Seminoles is a harbinger of this new era for all Native people of Turtle Island and signals a new Era for all indigenous peoples of the world who have wept and cried out for justice. A'Ho !!! We Celebrate the victory of the Florida State Seminoles, National College Football Champions.