Monday, October 21, 2013

Urgent Call to Action - Restore Celilo Falls - Oregon

We often hear, "What can we do to make a difference in the lives of Native Americans"? We have heard it said, "How do we put feet to our faith and love". This is a critical hour as decisions are being discussed regarding the restoration of Celilio Falls.  For more information on why this is important please see previous posts and please use a search engine to find out more information. In 1957 an entire way of life was extinguished in a matter of a few hours.

Here is a comment we left at the link provided to the Bonneville Power Administration. 

"As a concerned non-native citizen, I want to raise my voice in support of the Celilo Falls restoration. My wife and I have wept for all the pain and loss the Dam at The Dalles inflicted on the Native people of the Northwest. If someone was to come and destroy Wall St. in the name of progress and remove that institution it would be devastating. Flooding the falls took away, a culture, a way of life and an identity. The greatest moral gift we as a people could ever give is the restoration of the Celilo Falls. The healing of heart and soul would be far reaching not just for the Northwest Native people, but the message would resonate throughout all of North America. Please Restore the Falls. With respect, Danny and Cheryl Dean".

Here is the link for public comments on the Columbia River Treaty Review. It is ridiculous that so few members of the public and NO ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS have submitted comments. So what are you waiting for? Here is the link. Go for it! Free Celilo Falls!
Here is a link to add your voice in support of restoring the Falls.

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