Monday, October 20, 2014

Listening to Life

Listening to Life

Injustice cries out with the sound of the weeping ones
Justice Lifts her voice loudly to Watanka Tankan
    “Bring justice for all the acts of hate, violence and murder”
Justice is looking for someone to be the voice of The Great Mystery here
Justice is singing His songs and waiting for you.

The spirit of violence that stalked the Great Plains is still alive today
The spirit that ignores compassion and empathy has not slept
The spirit of murder has shape-shifted into a more polite enemy
The spirit that judges by the color of skin still walks about, that Trickster of old

Did you see the rainbow this morning?
Do you hear the sound of the Butterfly wings gently stirring the air?
Do you hear your name being sung by the flowing steams?
Do you hear the Meadow and the Brook whispering His songs?

Today is a new day
Today I will sing my songs
Today I will be the one to say, No more pain, Injustice or hate
Today I will be the one who takes the first step
Today I will offer my protocol gifts

I Hear the winged ones calling
I hear the crawlers and the four footed friends
I hear the swimmers and all my family singing
I hear Watanka Tankan’s voice, “I am here”

Close your eyes and smell the aroma of;
    The Sweet Grass,
        The Cedar,
            The Sage,
                The Tobacco and consider your ways.



The journey of life can take you down many new paths as the proverb goes, "When you see a new trail or footprint you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing"**

Over the last few months so many changes.

We said, "See you later" to our dear friend and brother, Billy; Black Foot Warrior.

We moved 170 miles from our previous home. Now we begin a new life just as the Creator intended all along. We embrace life with all our hearts and boldly continue the adventure.

We are walking the Sacred Red Road wherever it may lead us. But this we know it leads us to much happiness and wisdom.

Mitakuye Oyasin

**Thanks to Terri Jean - 365 Days of Walking the Red Road - September 14th