Friday, January 24, 2014

The Earth will qhake

The Earth will quake when the drum shakes
The Earth will be free when we do it no harm
The Earth will awake; dreams of the past
The Earth will shake when we dance
The Earth will be healed when we break chains around our feet
The Earth will Make a better place when brothers embrace
The Earth at Daybreak brings a new day, here to stay
The Earth is not ours alone it is only our birthplace
The Earth Sings a new song; for your freedom it longs
The Earth will quake when the drum shakes
The Drum wakes at Grand Mother’s Arm

Monday, January 20, 2014

If Martin Luther King Jr. is not the hero of all races and his dreams were not something for us all to strive for; his life would be nothing more than a candle in the wind. If he belongs only to one political point of view we would compromise his dream. However he set the plumb line for all races and if we all reject racism and isolation and lift our eyes to the ideals he set for us; we will all be free indeed, yes free at last, free at last. We will not forget the past injustice but rather than let it be a teacher of bitterness we will work to correct the power of hate that permitted the American holocaust among the Native People of North America. The enemy of our souls, the trickster of old knows if we all stand united regardless of our skin color but with the content our character in love, empathy and compassion the world will truly be a better place. I can only imagine. Thank you Dr. King we will run, walk or crawl to keep moving forward to your dreams reality.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Children Are No More

I went for a walk this morning
It seemed like it would only take a moment
But then I heard the children crying
Is this Sandy Hook and the children who are no more?

As I turned to find another path
There was only one way to go
So softly my steps led me through the snow
Is this Wound Knee and the children who are no more?

Again the pain tore at my heart
Tears falling for innocent ones
Down the dusty trail I walked in Herod’s day
Is this Jerusalem and the children who are no more?

There must be another way
So slowly turning south I began to pray
Is this were Moses would play in Pharaoh’s day
Is this Egypt and the children who are no more?

I crossed the oceans looking to the sky
Where is there hope in such a time as this
Surely we have learned from our past
Is this America and where are the children who are no more?

I began to run to find a place to lay
Crawling up Calvary's hill weeping as if to say
“Creator only you can make a way”
Is this Jesus; The Chosen one in who’s arms all children Stay?

In His arms not one did He forget
Every child around Him now play
Forbid them not is what He did say
Is this Heaven? This is where the children are forever more!

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Era of Native Honor and respect

We agree with the Book of Heaven where in the story of our ancestor, "PERSECUTED", (JOB) we read these words: "YOU WILL DECREE A THING AND IT SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR YOU". Based on this authority from the Creator's own Book made flesh through the Chosen One, The Way Maker Jesus; we decree, this is the beginning of the year of Favor, blessing and honor for all Native People. The win of Florida State Seminoles is a harbinger of this new era for all Native people of Turtle Island and signals a new Era for all indigenous peoples of the world who have wept and cried out for justice. A'Ho !!! We Celebrate the victory of the Florida State Seminoles, National College Football Champions.